
Urban trees: more important than ever!

Start Date & Time: 01/11/2024 2:00 pm

End: 01/11/2024 6:00 pm

Questions and examples on how to promote trees and hedges in private city spaces - presentation and city excursion.


Switzerland, Upcoming

Presentation and city excursion in Zürich, in collaboration with Baumläufer GmbH and the Volkshochschule Zürich

Trees and hedges – both in public and private spaces – are an important part of our cities. Their beauty and characteristics improve our quality of life, biodiversity and urban infrastructure.

Many initiatives have been launched to make our cities greener and more resilient, with more street trees, public green spaces and re-naturalized areas. But for this transformation to succeed, we also have to include private spaces, from backyard gardens to entire neighborhoods.

However, private property owners and property managers have their own concerns and priorities when it comes to adding or maintaining trees and hedges on their properties. So what is the best way to integrate and support them?

In the presentation and guided city excursion, we will explore the questions and see examples of how this can be achieved in practice.

Event Program

Presentation: Paulo Zulliger, Reforestation World & Daniel Marti, Forester and Tree-care specialist from Baumläufer GmbH
Discussion round based on the presentations and input from the participants.
Approx. 2-hour guided walk and discussion of live examples through a Zurich area.

Read or download the Presentation Slides (German, PDF 7Mb)

The location:

Fee-based registration required. Questions? Please contact

Good shoes and clothing suitable for the weather for the approx. 2-hour city walk.

In case of bad weather, an alternative date will be discussed during the day of the event. We will contact participants in advance to gather questions or specific suggestions for our discussion. Further details will be emailed out 1 week prior.

External links: