Forest News #7

Our November issue looks into the connections between forests, plantations and adaptations to climatic variations. We also look into the growing use of wood as a building material and the extraction of non-food resources from forests. Our selected video shows how small-scale farmers are often a crucial part of restoration and conservation efforts.

Forest News #6

In this issue, a special mention to our summer events and to the Right Livelihood Awards 2018, bestowed to two people with a long work on land and forest restoration. We then look into a selection of best practices and challenges in adopting agroforestry, move on to forest-based commodities in the supply chain and finish with a book suggestion.

Forest News #5

This month’s issue looks into the difficult balance between forests and plantations, taking palm oil as an example of the different issues at stake. We then move on to FLR – Forest (and) Landscape Restoration and REDD+ approaches. The monthly online course suggestion looks into business approaches to sustainable landscape restoration.

Forest News #4

In this issue, we go from urban trees to mountain forests, with a look on the impact of gender on restoration efforts and a e-course on REDD+. Also, don’t forget to check the upcoming Latsis conference in Zürich, Switzerland, joining several international experts to discuss how to scale-up forest restoration.

Forest News #3

In this issue: how and when to assess the success of forest restoration efforts, agroforestry in the tropics and a review of how restoration opportunities are also business opportunities. In addition, check our suggested event, where several international experts get together in Zurich to discuss how to scale-up forest restoration.

Forest News #2

In this issue, our selection of articles looks into how deforestation is linked to water scarcity (as presented in our selected video), how agroforestry can link better agriculture with restoration efforts, and how forest restoration is used for disaster risk reduction. In addition, check our suggested event, where perennial plants are given a place at the table.

Forest News #1

For our first newsletter issue, we look into deforestation and the role played by different industry sectors. From there, we move on to ecosystem restoration initiatives and close off with a book suggestion on… forests! Our “video of the month” gives a quick overview of the book.
We hope you enjoy the recommended readings!

Chris Reij

Lessons from a top expert with several decades of experience on land restoration, in Africa and elsewhere, and a system-wide perspective on the topic.

Tony Rinaudo

The father of one of the most impactful reforestation techniques shares his decade-long experience on how to get farmer communities to succcessfully regrow – not plant – millions of trees.