
We create simple and positive ways to raise awareness and to promote public engagement!

Our public events are made for different types of audiences and locations, from panel discussions with experts and project people, to our “Draw a tree, we plant it!” – a hit with families!

Between 2017 and 2023, we have reached over 6’000 people in Switzerland and involved them in the sponsoring of over 17’500 trees.

To stay informed, subscribe to our newsletter or check our agenda regularly.

Upcoming events


01/11/2024 2:00 pm

Urban trees: more important than ever!

Questions and examples on how to promote trees and hedges in private city spaces – presentation and city excursion.

Want to partner up?

If you are in Switzerland and want to co-organise, volunteer or sponsor one of these events with us, please get in touch with our team at

Recent events


31/08/2024 10:00 am

Tree week at the library


01/07/2023 5:00 pm

Special installation at Coldplay Concert, Zurich


25/03/2023 10:00 am

Weekend at the farm


29/04/2023 10:00 am

Weekend activities at the Naturstation Silberweid, in Uster


15/04/2023 10:00 am

Tree week at the library


15/11/2017 6:00 pm

Podium discussion: The value of forests

Older events

2022: Weekend activities at the Naturstation Silberweid, in Uster, Switzerland, in collaboration with the Greifensee-Stiftung.

2020 – 2021: All events cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

2019: Again at the Going Wild event of the Zürich Zoo. More than 300 drawings and over 6’000 trees sponsored. Next to our “Draw a tree” action, films and posters, we also had 3 guest organisations: newTree, SYDA + Tiloo’s partnership in Gambia, and SUGI.

2018: Three Summer events, over 1’000 trees sponsored:

2017: Our first year, with two events:

  • A panel discussion on the value of forests, with members of industry, politics, NGOs and science, on November 2017. The full notes of the event are here.
  • The very first event took place at the Going Wild days of the Zürich Zoo, in September 2017. More than 250 trees were sponsored (check our Facebook post here). Given the positive results, we decided to repeat it in different parts of Switzerland during the Summer 2018.

Our activities

Our events cover all ages, from young children to adults, and are adjusted to the location and the type(s) of visitors.

Our main goal is to bring people closer to our topics and the work of our partner organisations, in a relaxed way, taking the time discuss their questions with us.

We usually provide different options, from installations with posters and videos, to Q&A sessions with projects, or other activities that allows families to do something together in a way they consider meaningful.

Draw a tree, we plant it!

Simple and highly engaging, it only takes 3 steps to make the world a bit greener:

  1. Draw a tree at one of our events,
  2. Select an organisation from our projects list
  3. We provide the funds to have it planted. Easy!

Based on the choices of our visitors, we provide the corresponding funds to the organisations after the event. The funding comes from Reforestation World and private sponsors. We usually publish a selection of drawings after each event, to show the creativity of our visitors and stimulate others.