
News from the field – India

Mangroves, Planting organisation, Restoration

1’000 mangrove plants for wetland restoration

In our closing round in 2023, we sponsored several of our project partners in our global network of restoration projects. One of these partners is the SEEDS Trust, an organisation active in Tamil Nadu, in the south of India.

In this last round, we sponsored the planting of nearly 1’000 mangrove plants, as part of their work in the restoration of the coastal wetlands in the region. These were planted in the estuary of the Thamiraparani River (link to Google Maps), an area covering over 1’800ha and which hosts several species of animals and plants and is used by local communities.

SEEDS organised the planting work with the support of fisherman and women groups for the transportation and actual planting, as seen in the images below. A big thank you to all those involved in the actual restoration work!

These new green areas should, over time, serve as a nursery and feeding area for several species of fishes, crustaceans and birds, supporting wildlife and the livelihoods of the local families.

* For those interested, these 4 species were planted during this action: Rhizophora mucronata (Asiatic Mangrove); Rhizophora apiculata (Tall stilt mangrove), Avicennia alba (Api-Api) and Avicennia officinalis (Indian Mangrove).