Make it Greener!
Planting action in Männedorf (ZH)
Start Date & Time: 03/09/2024 1:00 pm
End: 03/09/2024 6:00 pm
A new planting action with a corporate partner will bring 80 new plants to the Zurich area, increasing the biodiversity value and beauty of the forest!
The location:
Another planting action in the Canton of Zurich is coming up soon! With the support of the company Edwards Lifesciences and a group of their employees, we will plant 80 native trees and bushes along the edge of a forest managed by the local organisation Waldkorporation Männedorf, who will also be responsible for the upkeep of the new plants. The planting and a couple of other activities provide the group with a good team-building opportunity, with a positive contribution and a close view of how a forest can be managed for economical and ecological purposes.
By adding these plants we can soften the usual clear-cut transition between the forest and the adjacent open fields, increasing the overall biodiversity value. With their irregular structure and extra diversity, the new plants will create additional food and shelter areas for different species of birds, insects and other animals – all this without affecting the current usage of either the forest or the open fields.
Managed forests are an important part of Switzerland’s landscape, providing wood products and leisure space for people. Simple measures like ours can increase their biodiversity value and resilience.
To know more, or to organise a similar event with us, send us a message via our contact form.